

A grassy white indigenous to northern Spain.

So, what is it?--red

Pronounced “ver-day-oh”, this is an expressive Spanish white grape (not be confused with Verdelho!)  It’s either easy-breezy, or, more medium bodied, savoury and floral.

Where does it come from?--aromatic

Spain... almost exclusively!

Who's famous for it?--racy

Spain - Rueda

What does it taste like?--aromatic

Verdejo produces subtle, refreshing whites wines with flavours of lime, grapefruit, grass, fennel, and almonds. Similar to Sauvignon Blanc, it has high acidity and some green flavours, but takes on a richer, nuttier feel when aged, either in bottle or barrel.

Main styles it's known for?--cellar

Lighter, grassier styles are for early drinking, whilst some barrel-aged expressions are far nuttier.

What foods should you be pairing it with?--plum

Works well with a range of richer salads, as well as hefty white meats, like roast chook or pork. The acidity also works well with oily fish

Fun fact--earth

Verdejo grapes are picked during the night! It can get sweltering hot in Spain in September, so harvesting at night keeps the grapes nice and cool.

If you like this, you should also give these grapes a guzzle...--wines

Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio