How to Pair Sake with Food

Pairing sake with food can be a lot of fun, and it can also help to bring out the best in both the sake and the food!

Here are a few key concepts and tried-and-true pairings to keep in mind to take your sake experience to a whole new level! Hai!

Key Concepts--racy

Match the weight and texture of the sake with that of the food.
Lighter sakes go well with lighter dishes, while full-bodied sakes pair well with heavier dishes.

Consider the flavours and aromas of the sake and the food.
Sakes with fruity and floral flavours pair well with lighter dishes like seafood and vegetables, while sakes with bolder, earthier flavours pair well with richer dishes like meat and cheese.

Look for flavours and aromas that complement or contrast with each other.
Sakes with spicy or smoky flavours complement dishes with similar flavours, while sakes with fruity or floral flavours contrast well with dishes that have rich or savoury flavours.

Classic Pairings to Try!--eggplant

As for traditional Japanese dishes to pair with Sake, here are a few examples:


As a traditional Japanese tip, sashimi and sushi are like the power couple of sake pairing. The light and delicate flavours of raw fish pair perfectly with the light and delicate notes of junmai and ginjo sakes.


Feeling like something crisp and light? Try pairing tempura with junmai ginjo or daiginjo sakes. The light and floral notes of the sake complement the light and crispy batter of tempura.


Grilled meats have a savoury and smoky flavour that pairs well with bold and earthy sakes, such as junmai and honjozo. Yakitori, grilled fish and even a hearty steak can be a great match.


Tofu's delicate flavours pair well with light and floral sakes, such as junmai ginjo and daiginjo, making for a creamy and rich experience.


For a rich and savoury bowl of ramen, reach for sakes with bold and earthy flavours, such as junmai and honjozo.

Get Creative!--cork

Don't be afraid to experiment. Just like different people have different tastes, different sakes can have different effects on different dishes. So, go wild and don't be afraid to try new things - you might be surprised at what works!

Looking for a recipe to try with Sake? Check out our Recipe Blog here >>>

About the Author

Meet Alex Tanner – a sommelier as versed in the world of wines as she is in outdoor adventures! From mountain peak après-ski to remote ancient woodland hike-in camping - foraging along the way - Alex believes nature's bounty truly sings when matched with the right glass of wine (...or two).