Fruit Flavours
Fruit Flavours

Picking out those all-important flavours in a glass.

Tasting notes for wines can often seem over the top and wild... freshly picked chives? Overripe peaches? Cherry blossom? We get it. It can sound absurd. But there is some method to the madness! The language of wine is based in food - there's no getting around it. As a beverage made from fruit, this makes some sense. Further to that, it is a drink that works wonderfully with food, so the descriptors used in the kitchen do work here as well.

The descriptions can still be a bit flowery however, so we've broken them down into categories that help you imagine where the flavours of any given wine might lie.

Stone fruit--red

Examples - Peach, Apricot, Nectarine

Wines - richer Chardonnay, Viognier

Tree fruit--aromatic

Examples - Apple, Pear

Wines - lighter Chardonnay, Pinot Gris

Citrus fruit--racy

Examples - Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime

Wines - Riesling, Albarino

Tropical fruit--aromatic

Examples - Mango, Passionfruit

Wines - Dessert Wine, Gewurztraminer

Red fruit--cellar

Examples - Red Plum, Strawberry

Wines - Pinot Noir, Sangiovese

Blue fruit--plum

Examples - Blueberry, Plum

Wines - Tempranillo, Cabernet Franc

Black fruit--earth

Examples - Blackberry, Blackcurrant

Wines - Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec

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